Identi-PSA - 6 tests

Identi-PSA - 6 tests

Identi-PSA - 6 tests

The prostate specific antigen (PSA) is an intracellular glycoprotein only synthesized by the male prostate gland and in seminal plasma. This protein is now used by the forensic medicine as a choice marker to detect sexual assaults, even when they are committed by men who had vasectomy.

Bluestar Identi-PSA Semen Detection Test is a rapid qualitative assay for PSA detection from traditional biological samples (serum, plasma, or blood), but also from sperm samples collected with a swab either on the clothes or on the victims’ bodies.

The method employs a unique combination of monoclonal dye conjugate (mouse) and monoclonal antibodies (solid phase) to selectively identify PSA antigen in the samples, with a high degree of sensitivity.

As the test sample flows through the absorbent paper, the labelled antibody-dye conjugate binds to the antigen, thus forming an antigen-antibody complex. This complex binds to the anti-PSA antibodies in the positive reaction zone and produces a colored line if the PSA antigen level is higher than 4 ng/ml. If there is no antigen, no line appears in the test zone.

The reaction mixture continues flowing through the absorbent paper, past the test zone and the control zone . Unbound conjugate binds to the reagents in the control zone, producing a colored line indicating that the reagents are functioning correctly.


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